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Work In Progress

by Susan Crofts

Like any author, I am ruled by deadlines. My non-fiction books have all had me rushing to meet that dreaded date when the manuscript must be done. My pet projects, the ones I really want to do, are often pushed aside and resumed later. Here you can meet some of those 'neglected babies'.

Haunting Tales of the Mundubbera Area

A collection of real-life experiences and handed-down tales from the Mundubbera area.  Some of these reports are incredible but true. Read about  the true experiences of bereaved people; the haunted buildings; the manifestations; and the legendary tales.

To add your contribution contact me on - your story must relate to the Mundubbera area.

Pioneer Homes of  Mundubbera

Still in the planning phase, this book will feature photographs, plans and histories of some of Mundubbera's oldest buildings. Some have already fallen into disrepair, and time is growing short to record their existence for posterity. In June 2015, one of these historic houses had fallen into such a state of dilapidation that it had to be destroyed by fire. I was able to obtain photographs prior to this sad event.

Annysia: The Faerie's Tale
Oren: The Elf's Tale

A novel consisting of two books: the tale of Annysia, the faerie who discovers life and love with the warrior-elf Kheelan. Annysia is young and niave, and in her encounters with spiteful fae, a willing gnome and an entrancing wizard elf, she sometimes finds herself out of her depth. The thread of evil that twists through her life results in a terrifying climax when the insatiable Sorcha claims Kheelan as her own in a trade-off for the life of  the infant elf Oren.

The second of the two books follows the fortunes and misfortunes of the newly adult Oren,  who, following a foolish prank with dangerous consequences, is condemned to six months punishment by the Elf King, Aelfric.  Oren comes to wish he had never transgressed as he is taken from one place of atonement to the next, sometimes enduring pain and terror. He is tempted by a number of faeries, but ultimately finds true love during the last phase of his rehabilitation. But Oren has unfinished business: he wants to exact retribution on the Dark faerie who betrayed him to a sadistic she-monster.  He must reconcile his thirst for retribution with his burgeoning wisdom and his new-found love.


This is not a fairy tale you would ever read to your children.....

Writer for hire


t:        0741 654772

m:      0478225935


 Susan Crofts can write your story for you or edit it, whether it be family history, biography, or a commemorative book. 

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